Internazionale's new coach Andrea Stramaccioni

Inter Milan's new coach Andrea Stramaccioni asserts, he was ready to pay the trust the club to replace Claudio Ranieri appointed.

Stramaccioni (36) replaces Ranieri is again defeated Juventus defeat when the two goals without reply, Monday (26/3) local time.

For coach 36 years, this is a dream for a long time. "This is a beautiful dream, an emotion that can only be football and sports. To whom I dedicate this dream? For a club that has trusted me; now I have to pay for their beliefs, "he explained.

"[The appointment] is totally unexpected, a gift from the president [Massimo] Moratti. I think this is simple: I've always been myself and if Moratti decided to give me a chance, it is because the results I've shown. "

"The president asked me to bring what he saw in the camp Primavera to the first team: faith and love for the club." Contra Game Genoa later on 1 April will be the debut Stramaccioni with the Nerazzurri.

Not many people know it. But in the last two days, 36-year-old man was a trending topic in the world of Italian football because it was appointed as coach to the Inter-17 in the era of Massimo Moratti.

The new coach of Inter Milan's Andrea Stramaccioni confident, he will be received by the Inter players.

As you know, Stramaccioni even younger than Inter captain Javier Zanetti. However, he believes Inter will appreciate it as he appreciates them.

"I will respect all players and I hope I get the same thing. I like the enthusiasm and the players feel young inside. Take a look at our captain, who was older than me, but in practice she is just like the young players. He is an inspiration to all people at Inter, "he said.

Stramaccioni task also hardly a lightweight. In nine games remaining to be served in the Italian Serie A domestic competition, Stramaccioni expected to restore honor and dignity that Inter had lost in recent months. He was also asked to prepare a team to deal with a strong foundation for next season.

From the standpoint of strategy, Stramaccioni not have to worry because it's not a major problem in Inter. Players are considered a way of thinking has changed since Jose Mourinho era, in which the player has lost its persistence, desire and winning mentality. This is where Stramaccioni expected to transmit its determination to Javier Zanetti et al.

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