Big Bass Fishing Adventures

When your talking about big bass fishing you can't go just anywhere to catch big bass. You need to know where to go, and when to go. These two items of big bass fishing will let you become a master. Once you have mastered these two concepts rest assured you're becoming a better fisherman then most.

The first point to know about big bass fishing is where to actually find the fish. Then of course once you've found them the next point to learn is how to catch them. Of course with a rod and bait, but what are the different techniques, tricks, and presentations you use to land yourself a winner. The tougher part usually is locating them however, there are many factors that contribute but you can learn them.

Time to Do the Deed

When it's time to do your big bass fishing, make sure you know how to read a map. When you find out the location you need to be in order to catch the bass, you need to know how to get there. Knowing what the water depth is and understanding what it means will help, and going on a day when water clarity is maximized can help greatly.
 The temperature needs to be right, so check with the local fishing authority to make sure you are visiting at the right time. There are also some things to look for when it comes to locating big bass on any given body of water. Look for vegetation areas, as the bass like to harbor here and it is a perfect place to find them. Finding shallow water that is also close to deeper depths of water is the best place to find the big bass. Keep in mind that structures may get in the way of finding the bass, so stay away from them

Fishing with Friends and Family

 A lot of the excitement that comes from big bass fishing is when you do it with family and friends, and a friendly competition is healthy for any group. So as my father and I have small tournaments between ourselves to produce the biggest bass, you can do something similar to spice up a trip with friends or family.

Planning a big bass fishing trip can become not only a wonderful memory yourself, friends and family but also a tradition. While you may look down your nose at fishing trips it's a don't knock it til you've tried it sort of sport. So get some friends or relatives together, get online and start searching for areas close to you where you can go fishing for big bass. It's an outdoor activity you won't soon forget.

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